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OPLATEK Christmas Festival

  • 10 Dec 2022
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Sugah Cane Plantation

Please join us in the celebration of this Polish tradition dating back hundreds of years.  This is our annual tradition here in Charleston and the location is a whimsical plantation studded with large oak trees and beautiful horses.  

There will be Polish food, caroling, and a Kris Kringle style shopping market featuring local businesses.
Bring a picnic blanket and chairs so you can enjoy the afternoon in this special place.

This event is free to attend and there is plenty of parking.

Look for Polish flags next driveway after 2250 River Rd, Johns Island.

Polish American Society of Charleston is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization

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Dziękujemy za odwiedzenie naszej strony. Jeśli nie jesteś członkiem, wypełnij krótki formularz, aby otrzymywać powiadomienia e-mail z najnowszymi wiadomościami i wydarzeniami ze społeczności. Twoje dane nie będą udostępniane żadnym stronom trzecim.           

1941 Savage Rd Suit 400A Charleston, SC 29407

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