Vendor will be provided space at the event, to fit one 6ft table (additional space is available). Vendor is responsible for their own setup and cleanup. By purchasing your vendor space, you agree to be listed on our event printed and/or digital advertisements.
It is the responsibility of the vendor to have all necessary paperwork to sell in Charleston, SC and be self insured if necessary. The Polish American Society of Charleston is not liable for any damage, injury, theft, non compliance with any local and state laws as it pertains to the vendor's rented space.
Polish American Society of Charleston is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization
Thank you for visiting, come back often to see latest announcements and events. If you are not a member, please fill out the short form to receive email alerts with latest community news and events. We will not share your Information with any third party.
Dziękujemy za odwiedzenie naszej strony. Jeśli nie jesteś członkiem, wypełnij krótki formularz, aby otrzymywać powiadomienia e-mail z najnowszymi wiadomościami i wydarzeniami ze społeczności. Twoje dane nie będą udostępniane żadnym stronom trzecim.
Address: 1941 Savage Rd Suit 400A Charleston, SC 29407